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an appointment to be seen.
Payment links:
Awakened Nature is truly tipping optional! In an effort to eliminate stress in all ways, I invite you to release the mental (and financial) clutter of tipping. This does not mean that they are disallowed if they only give you the good-feels, but they are not expected. Please enjoy the tip-free flow if that feels grooviest to you! Follow the instructions on the payment link if you still wish to tip...either way, thank you!
*Payment links are NOT updated with temporary discounts unless indicated.
Initial Therapeutic Massage 60 $100 + tax
Initial Therapeutic Massage 75 $125 + tax
Followup Therapeutic Massage 60 $100 + tax
Followup Therapeutic Massage 75 $125 + tax
The Head and Foot Trip 45 $65 + tax
Massage Meltdown 90 $160 + tax
Prenatal and Postnatal Massage:
Initial Pre/Postnatal Massage $135 + tax
Followup Pre/Postnatal 90 $135 + tax
Followup Pre/Postnatal 75 $125 + tax
Initial Lower Income Postpartum Massage $100 + tax
Initial Arvigo Session $185 + tax
Initial Ance/Repa/Low-inco $100 + tax
Initial Arvigo Child $120 + tax
Followup Arvigo Child $100 + tax
Packages: *Limit one package at a time.
(3) Followup Arvigo 90 minute sessions $375 + tax
(3) Followup Arvigo 60 minute sessions $300 + tax
(3) Followup Child Arvigo 60 minute sessions $270 + tax
(3) Pre/Postnatal 90 minute sessions $375 + tax
(3) Pre/Postnatal 75 minute sessions $345 + tax
(3) Therapeutic Massage 75 minute sessions $345 + tax
(3) Therapeutic Massage 60 minute sessions $270 + tax
(3) Massage Meltdown 90 sessions $450 + tax
The People's Pelvis $21.99 + tax
*The Ancestral Honoring/Reparation/Lower Income option is intended for:
People of indigenous descent to the Americas (Canada, US, Mexico, Central or South America). Parts of this practice are yours...come experience them!
People who are truly low-income (you don't have a college education, making ends meet is a consistent challenge, you are not undergoing IUI/IVF).