We are in a brave new world...join me online!
While massage therapy is not generally a service offered online, abdominal massage involves education. This is a way to go over your current health status, learn to do the self care massage at home, ask questions specific to your situation and goals, and take tools with you that will last a lifetime! And you can do it from anywhere in the world!
Schedule your session with me by email at osunray@gmail.com, fill out the online intake form at least 12 hours before your session so I can go over it and pull out details, and 'meet' me on Skype, Zoom or Facetime for a super informative and nurturing session!
Session includes:
-Intake consult.
-Self care massage instruction.
-Supportive therapy instruction (castor oil pack, steam, et all).
-Digital copy of instructions.
-Followup care via email.
Session Cost: $90. (No filming).
Schedule: Email osunray@gmail.com.